VIP Boost Days 



and your life!



Take time away from the chaos of your firm

...and dive deep into the strategies and tactics that will take your practice to the next level.


Immerse yourself in a VIP Boost Day of undivided 1-1 support

...insights, and breakthroughs with a Master Law Firm Business Strategist with a 7-figure history


Develop a clear roadmap solve your firm’s most pressing challenge, or reach your biggest goal -- and feel confident in your next steps.


Cut out at least 1 year of struggle and mistakes

...experimentation, and testing in your law firm, with proven tactics that have taken attorneys just like you over the 7-figure mark.




Are you so busy working in your law practice, you can’t find the time to work on it?

I get it. And I’ve been there too.

Maybe one of these big concerns is keeping you up at night: 

  • I don’t have my finances set up right. I know I’m probably wasting money somewhere… but where?”
  • I don’t have a marketing plan. How can I start to promote my firm? Is it even worth it?”
  • I don’t have a business plan. Sure, we make money, but mostly I feel like I’m throwing spaghetti at the wall and seeing what sticks.”
  • I absolutely suck at sales. I wish I had time to get training on that…”
  • “I want to do a TED talk -- but don’t know where to begin. How do I figure out my topic, apply, and get accepted?”
  • I want to be more visible as a legal expert in the media, but know I need to invest in media training first.”
  • I wish my team worked more efficiently - I feel like I have to be on top of them all the time. How can I set them up to work better on their own?”
  • I know systems, procedures, and policies are a huge gap for me, but it all feels so complicated and intimidating…”
  • I know I need to be strategic about decision-making, but it all feels like I’m just putting out fires all day…”

Now, imagine if in just 1 session, you could…


Drill down to the core of your firm’s biggest problem, or biggest goal, and understand exactly what you need to focus on next.


Develop a step-by-step road map to solve that problem, or reach that goal, with the help and undivided attention of a trusted fellow lawyer and Master Law Firm Business Strategist.


Leave feeling confident and clear about exactly what you need to do, when, in order to take your firm to the next level.


That’s what the VIP Boost Day is all about.



Wendy is nothing short of amazing. Wendy has shown me the holistic approach to becoming a better law firm owner. Enabling me to tackling the mindset, practical skills, and even mental and physical health aspects of becoming a better professional and person. I am joyfully achieving my dreams thanks to Wendy guiding me through the tough shifts necessary. Working with Wendy was easily the best decision I made to get to me to the next level.

Michael James


Michael James


“I’m ready for my VIP Boost Day!”

You are the VIP and this is all about you, your law firm, and the life that law firm can provide for you.

How does a
VIP Boost Day 
work exactly?

VIP Boost Days are 1-1 intensives designed to help you dig deep into a clear goal or challenge in your business, and create a clear road map for your next steps.

A 30-day follow-up session is included to provide gentle accountability and keep you on track.

Law firm money mapping and metrics
Law firm systems, procedures, and policies
Millionaire mindset mastery and attorney success laws
Your firm’s marketing plan
Sales training to help you close more clients
Your firm’s business plan.
Law firm financials.
Employee handbook and training
How to create cash flow infusions
Launch your law firm
Management and team development skills

Your choice! 

I am so lucky I found Wendy. She is helping me transform my law practice. They do not teach you how to run a business in law school. Even if you are a fantastic lawyer, it doesn't mean anything unless you have the steady, reliable guide of sound advisor to help guide you through this process. Wendy is just that. I have gained confidence and am excited about my law practice again. Thank you, Wendy!

How can you expect to feel at the end of your VIP Boost Day experience?

  • Totally confident about your next steps, because you have a road map you can refer to again and again


  • Excited and energized about taking your firm to the next level, a clear scope of exactly what you need to do, when, and why


  • Significantly closer to your breakthrough goal than you did when you started


  • Like you’re no longer all alone, or floating in space, and ready to step into your CEO mindset with grace and vision.


  • Happy that your goal is really doable, because now you can see the path to get there


  • Empowered with a whole notebook full of proven tactics and strategies that have already helped lawyers just like you reach the 7-figure mark and beyond

About your VIP Boost Package host, Wendy Witt, JD

I’m Wendy Witt: Lawyer, Law Firm Owner, Master Law Firm Business Strategist, the founder behind Million Dollar Attorney®, and your VIP Boost Day Guide!

For the last 14 years, I’ve helped attorneys just like you map out their path to becoming 7-figure CEOs of their law firms -- which means taking back control of their goals and finances, breaking the cycle of burnout, and prioritizing their lives and health right alongside their profit margins.


Begin your future


VIP Boost Day FAQs

It's important to me that any services I provide make sense for the client.

During our conversation, I'll know if I can help. If I recommend a service, rest assured that it will be a great investment for you. 

Absolutely. With focus and 1:1 guidance, you can create exactly what you want.

And, not only that, but VIP Boosts Days can be transformational on a personal level, too. Many lawyers feel an increased sense of confidence, control, momentum, and hope.

You’ll have my undivided attention on your business which means I’ll be able to answer any questions and help you work through any anticipated obstacles as we map out the next steps in your road. 

VIP Boosts cut out a huge percentage of your learning and trial-and-error time.

In a single day, we can get more done than you would in a year or more on your own. Reduce mistakes, headaches, and wasted money.

Plus, your VIP Boost Day includes follow-up sessions at 30 days to provide gentle accountability and feedback to keep you on track.

It helps to be out of your office during your VIP Boost Day and somewhere you can focus without interruption.

We can meet in person in my home city of three rivers, Pittsburgh!! - or - we can meet virtually, via Zoom.

You pick! 

Your investment is being willing to tune out all the noise of the everyday to focus on your future and the future of your law firm business. 

Your financial investment for me doing the same for you and your business is $3000. 


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